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UK Myopia Consortium Patient and Public Network

The Consortium is committed to proactively promoting and fostering patient and public involvement in myopia research. As part of this engagement, members of the public collaborate with research teams as advisers contributing to the research process. We are actively seeking individuals who possess the perspectives of being either a patient with myopia and/or are a parent/guardian of myopia-affected individuals who can articulate genuine first-hand experiences into the research process. Public engagement serves as an invaluable asset in clinical research, providing researchers with an improved understanding of the intricacies associated with living with myopia and navigating myopia management. This partnership between the Consortium, research teams, and the public not only enriches the scientific exploration but also ensures that our advancements are finely attuned to the tangible needs and experiences of the individuals we strive to support.

To register as a UK Myopia Consortium Patient and Public network member please email us providing your name, whether you are a patient or parent/guardian of someone with myopia and how we can contact you.  

Child with Contact Lens
myopia consortium logo of two circles overlapping with text myopia consortium UK - Dedicated to advancing knowledge in the field of myopia.
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